
Services and Resources

Host Program

The Host Program forms community connections for newcomers to Canada. Long- time residents of Canada volunteer their time to contribute friendship and networking through one-on-one matches and are also involved in shared group activities including practicing conversational English, mentoring and cultural exchange. Permanent residents and convention refugees of Canada are eligible for this program although all newcomers to Canada are more than welcome to participate in collaborative and group activities with community partners.

Immigrant Settlement & Adaptation Program - ISAP

ISAP focuses on a newcomer's immediate settlement needs such as health care, transportation, housing, education and employment. Other direct services provided to newcomers to Canada include information and referral services, orientation, translation and interpretation, solution-based counselling, and assistance with job search.

Job Search Workshop- JSW

JSW is a program offered to newcomers seeking work or volunteer opportunities. If a newcomer requires help with a Canadian-type resume, information concerning the Canadian or London labour markets, information on job strategies, cover letters, interview preparation, techniques or related questions, this program can help.

Refugee Trauma Project

This program offers support to government-assisted refugees with their medical, emotional, and psychological needs throughout their first year in Canada.

Resettlement Assistance Program

The RAP program offers temporary housing and vital services to government-assisted refugees. The program also offers many different types of sessions that help them to start a new life in Canada, such as education, employment, family life, health, housing, living in Canada, managing money and information about services in the community.

Settlement Counselling

Settlement Counselling can offer assistance to newcomers to Canada to help them to settle, adapt and integrate into local London life. This program employs a multitude of people that are fluent in many languages such as Arabic, French, Persian (Farsi), Polish, Spanish, Korean, Punjabi, Urdu, Amharic, Serbo-Croatian, Karen, and Vietnamese. Interpretation is always available when needed.

Settlement Workers In Schools

The goal of SWIS is to help newcomer students and their families settle in their school and new community. A SWIS worker will explain essential school information and refer the newcomer to the appropriate school staff as necessary.